In this resource megaguide, we’ve listed a whole heap of resources you might find useful in your QCE Psychology studies. 💯

If you’re keen to subscribe to our regular QCE newsletter and stay on top of all of our QCE resources, your best bet is to make an ATAR Notes account:



A great place to start for QCE study is our range of free notes! Generously uploaded by those who have come before you, these notes are by students, for students.

For Psychology 3&4 notes specifically, go here. Note that you will need to be logged in to your ATAR Notes account to download the notes – otherwise you’ll just be met with a blank screen!

When the time comes, it would be amazing if you could upload your own notes, too – even through the year!


Also uploaded to our free notes section are all of our QCE Psychology 3&4 lecture slides from previous free lectures. These lectures are specifically designed to not only provide an overview of the course material, but also give tips and tricks from a recent graduate high-achiever.

To download the Psychology lecture slides, go here (and remember, you need to be logged in!). As a special treat, here’s a quick overview video of some of the key concepts in the Psychology syllabus:


If you’re keen on study videos, you’re in luck! We also have a series of excellent revision videos on concepts you can brush up on. Here’s the very first video in the series:

But you can find the full series – plus videos for lots of other QCE subjects – on our free videos page. If you like, you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to make sure you’re the first to know about new videos – we’re uploading new content all the time!


We have a dedicated section on the ATAR Notes Forums for QCE Psychology discussion, where you can get help for any content or questions you’re struggling with. Free help from current and past students – we really recommend using this as much as you can!

Join the community, get involved, and see your marks improve. 📈 The forum also has a heap of useful content guides and discussions, such as:

→ QCE Psychology questions thread
→ Unit 3 in a nutshell
→ Regulation of sleep-wake cycle & why you should care
→ Psych sample multi-choice questions suggested solutions
→ Which statistical test of inference to use
→ Psych reports: ethical consideration
→ Unit 1&2 revision question set


We’re always publishing new QCE articles for you to sink your teeth into. Here are some of our favourite QCE Psychology-related articles from time gone by:

→ Psychology data test advice for QCE
→ QCE Psychology: how to revise for assessments
→ Inferential statistics in Psych: their purpose
→ Advice for studying QCE Psychology
→ QCE science reports: IMRAD to RMDELC
→ QCE Psychology Units 1&2 resources


We recommend checking out our QCE study guides for a range of subjects, but particularly for Psychology 3&4 if you’re looking for a helping hand!

Our QCE Psychology 3&4 Complete Course Notes contain everything you need to know for your assessment tasks and exams, written from the perspective of a past high-achieving student.

With a summary of key concepts, and clear explanations of every section of the syllabus, this book focuses on clarifying your understanding of all the examinable material, so you can focus on maximising your marks.


Learn from ATAR experts as part of our QCE tutoring program, TuteSmart – the best online QCE tutoring.



We hear you! We’ll be offering heaps of new (and varied – very exciting!) QCE Psychology resources, and we’d love for you to be the first to know. If you haven’t already, the first step is simply to make an ATAR Notes account. 😍

ATAR Resources - QCE Psychology Resources - Units 3&4