When you get to the end of a study session, there’s likely nothing you want to do more than to slam your laptop closed and run off into the sunset. But there’s three key steps to complete after the final question is complete to ensure that you are making the very best of your review time – making your life easier in the future! And at the end of the day, that is what matters to most, setting yourself up to be able to work smarter and not harder.
STEP ONE: Check your progress!
Go over the tasks you have completed in the session to track your progress – this works best if you use to do lists! If you didn’t get everything done that you wanted, that’s ok! Ticking things off is important but so is rest and avoiding burn out. If possible, incomplete tasks can be put on a to-do list for your next study session (put them at the top, so they get done first.)
STEP TWO: Observe your understanding
How do you feel about the content/tasks you completed? Do you feel like you understand them to a good level? Could you answer exam question on the topics you covered? Could you teach them to someone else? Answers to these questions might help you design the tasks you want to complete in your next session.
STEP THREE: Reward progress!
A bit of positive reinforcement can go a long way, so try and reward yourself for your progress. Completed a complex unfamiliar question you’ve been nervous to try? Plan a sweet treat for the next day! Finished your full draft for your drama assignment? Movie time! Edited the annoying methodology paragraph in your Chemistry report? Time to hit that running track you’ve wanted to get to. Personalise your rewards to what feels right for you and the magnitude of the task. But don’t be scared to get yourself a bit of a treat for getting things done, it will make tackling challenges in the future easier!
While it might seem like a bit of pain to have to complete a bunch of extra tasks at the end of a session, after some practise they become just second nature. Happy studying scholars!