So, you’re about to start (or maybe you’ve already started!) Year 12. Things are starting to get a little bit more serious, a little bit more stressful, and a little bit more real. Thankfully, like a brilliant blue life preserver, you’ve also discovered ATAR Notes!As you can probably tell, ATAR Notes does a insane amount of stuff for Year 12 students. Forums, Q+A’s, free notes, podcasts, marking/feedback, videos, newsletters, lectures, tutoring. That is, maybe, half of it?If all this is overwhelming, fear not. This is a crash course on the key things you need to know to make the most of ATAR Notes in Year 12.


First and foremost, it’s a good idea to be across some (or all) of our communication channels! With so much happening, this is the best way to get the ‘digest’ of everything on offer.If you register for a free ATAR Notes account and enter your details, you’ll be sent a regular newsletter summarising material relevant for you. Our best resources, event announcements, and special offers – Straight into your inbox!Be sure to get across our socials as well! Like us on Facebook (HSC/VCE) for daily resources for a mix of subjects, follow us on Instagram (HSC/VCE) for photos from our events (and pictures of our cute dogs), and add us on Snapchat for regular updates and top quality banter. On any of these, you are welcome to get in touch with a question or request – Or just say hey!


Our free notes section is, quite honestly, a marvel. Where else can you access over 3000 notes, essays, summaries, and other amazing resources without paying a cent? With this in mind, one of your first priorities should be jumping on and doing a sweep of our Notes section. Download literally every single file for your courses and then pick and choose what you want from each one!All these notes are student submitted so new ones appear a lot – Check back often! If you have a great set of notes, submit them – Particularly if it is for a course with a new syllabus, or without many existing resources. It’s an amazing feeling, having a downloads folder full of free resources for your subjects. Help us give that feeling to more people ❤️You can submit them to the Notes section by clicking here!


We tout the forums at our lectures as “the single greatest resource out there for Year 12 students.” That isn’t empty sales jargon; that is the truth. The collaborative space that the ATAR Notes forums represents is unparalleled in size and unparalleled in the impact it has had on students.So how do the forums work? We’ve got an in depth guide on the mechanics right here, but essentially, think of it as your one-stop collaborative study space and hangout. There are places to ask questions and get them answered, of course, but there is more! We chat sport, we play fun games/icebreakers, we debate stuff, we have spots to get feedback on your work, and heaps more.The forums are very much a student lead community. Accessing the forums is accessing the joint knowledge of its 200,000+ members. You can be as involved as you like – Post a question, get it answered, and then never come back? That’s cool! If you’re super keen, there are chances to be given leadership positions and help steer the community into the future. Something for everyone!Bookmark the Q+A’s relevant to your subject so you can rapidly ask questions that come up in your study. Come back once a week and have a bit of a surf, see if there are questions you might be interested in reading the answers from (or answer yourself!), or if anyone has posted any guides or resources.


ATAR Notes creates a tonne of resources for dedicated, hardcore study. Course notes/topic tests, and all manner of other resources on the website. We also, however, make a heap of stuff for those ‘lazy days’ where you just want something easy to do that is still beneficial. We’ve got your back:
  • Check out the ATAR Notes Podcast! Nick regularly sits down with some of our ATAR Notes/Tutesmart tutors (and even students) to chat about experiences in their courses, their study advice, and so much more.

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channels for HSC and VCE! They’re both full of short-but-super-useful revision videos for a tonne of subjects. There’s also more general study advice, exam tips and more.


On top of our huge amount of free resources, we do have a couple of things you can buy, if that’s your style.Our amazing tutoring program, Tutesmart, is now being offered for both HSC and VCE students. This super effective program is also super affordable, and gives you access to an amazing online learning system where you can rewatch lessons and access additional resources. If you are interested, head to the website and book an information call!We also offer a huge variety of course notes and topic tests across many HSC and VCE subjects. If you are in need of an extra helping hand – Be it in the form of amazingly concise study notes, or targeted topic tests to help you revise – Visit our online shop!