Using public transport. You either love it or you hate it, depending on how much time you’re stuck on it. For me, it’s a significant portion of time each week, and I have a love-hate relationship with the trains where I live. I often find the need to use my travel time effectively, so here I am, giving you my top ideas for using your public transport time effectively!
Read over your notes.
I do this most mornings, using OneNote on my phone, which syncs with the OneNote my laptop, so I always have access to my notes. You don’t necessarily have to use a fancy app, there’s nothing stopping you reading your own exercise books! I find this a good way to refresh myself on the content I’ve covered, and makes sure that any interlinked concepts in any of my classes are properly covered. It also forces you to pick up any mistakes and gaps in knowledge, making your notes the best that they can be!
Read or watch more about topics you’ve learnt about.
The internet is your oyster. There are so many websites and YouTube channels around that even if it’s an extremely niche part of chemistry, geography, or even the English language, you should be able to find something that tickles your fancy! Personally, I often read up on the latest news in new medicines and how they work for my personal interest, as well as furthering my own knowledge in my studies. Another thing I do is watch YouTube videos (mostly KhanAcademy or CrashCourse) for concepts that I’m stuck on or confused about, which also helps me review content I’ve learnt.
Jot down concepts or your day.
This helps you reinforce content that you’ve learnt and reviewed beforehand. I typically use my phone’s memo app, however, you could use any note-taking app or even a small notebook. You could also think of scenarios or exam-style questions you would have to apply your knowledge to, and you could jot down how you would tackle it. It’s instant revision, and you can even tailor it to your imagination – the sky’s the limit! Alternatively, if you need to manage your time, you could always jot down your tasks, events, or classes for the day or maybe even the week in your favourite planner or phone calendar, and then plan the rest of your day out from there. This way, you’re also getting organised and ahead of the game, which you’ll thank your past self for later!
Use the trip as downtime.
Have a hectic day ahead, or have had a full-on day? This one’s for you! Use this time to talk to your friends online, read, play a game on your phone or even jam along to your favourite tunes, anything not school/uni related. Once you get home or to school/uni/whatever, you’ll be thankful you took the time out, and you’ll be more refreshed, which is a plus, as nobody likes to be drained as soon as they arrive somewhere! Sometimes in the morning, I’ll whip out my sudoku puzzle book and try and crack a few puzzles, which helps me kick start my day, by having a sense that I’ve already done something constructive. On the other hand, often on my way back home from uni, I’ll read a book, as well as message my friends in an effort to have some time to chill, and to mentally prepare myself for the tasks I have to do in the afternoon or night ahead. A word of caution though – don’t do this every trip, it’ll become counter-productive, and eventually become an inefficient use of your time!
Take a nap.
Sometimes I’ve woken up too early, or I’ve had a tough day, and this calls for a nap. Set an alarm to go off a few minutes before you arrive at your station, so you don’t miss your stop. You’ll thank yourself, and you’ll feel a lot more refreshed for the rest of the day. Plus, who doesn’t like a few extra minutes of sleep?! A little more energy is always good, especially if you live a hectic life. A few disclaimers though – don’t fall asleep leaning on someone, personal space and all; and sometimes trains aren’t that comfortable to nap on, but don’t let that deter you! I also don’t recommend making this a habit either, as it’ll also become counter-productive, and potentially make you more drowsy.
These are only a few basic ideas of how to use your travel time efficiently, the possibilities on how to use the time well is in you hands! No matter how much time it takes for you to get from A to B, there is always ways to use your time efficiently. You can make it as fun, or as creative or extravagant as you like, or you can keep it simple.