Karly Banks graduated in 2013 with a raw 48 in Business Management 3/4.
She also wrote the Business Management complete course notes – check them out!
Three weeks out from the Business Management exam, it’s understandable that the nerves are starting to set in.
But it’s also the prime time to start setting in motion some great study habits and time-saving techniques. Doing so means you can use the last three weeks of preparation to absolutely smash your goals, and kick butt in the end-of-year exam.
I’ve put together my top five tips for the next three weeks, to make sure you get the most out of your remaining time.
1. Remember that this is still a marathon
At no point should it become a sprint. Slow and steady will always win the race.
Whilst you might feel the sudden urge to begin the late-night cramming sessions, I’m here to tell you there’s nothing worse you could do for yourself.
A lot of people will burn themselves out around this time, because they’re feeling the pressure start to set in. And they feel, subsequently, as though they need to triple the amount of time they’re spending studying.
But it’s just not true.
Always remember to study smarter – not longer.
2. Practice questions are your best friend
The Business Management exam is testing how you can apply your knowledge – not how well you can rote learn the textbook.
Practice questions are the best way to study. This is particularly true for case studies, where you have to get creative and apply a theory to a brand new situation.
Why are practice questions so good? Because they prepare you exactly for what you will face in the exam.
3. Make yourself uncomfortable
While we’re on the topic of practice questions…
There is absolutely no point doing questions you’re already sure you know the answer to. If you’re really confident on a question, you’ve probably already done twenty that were phrased the same way.
It can be very comforting to answer a question you know you can kick butt in. But the point of studying is to make every aspect of the study design comfortable for you. And to do that, that means starting with the aspects that make you uncomfortable.
Do the practice questions that scare you. I guarantee you’ll get more out of them.
4. Utilise your teachers
Now is exactly the right time to organise a meeting with your teacher.
If you’re unsure of any element or aspect of the course, there’s no better better to speak to.
They are there to help, so use them. Make sure you can go into the last study period with confidence.
Make sure you can walk with confidence into the Business Management exam.
5. Take care of your health
Mental health, emotional health, physical health.
Spend time with your family. Go for a run. Go to bed early when you feel like you need to.
If you can make it to the exam period with a healthy mindset, you’re already halfway to a killer study score!
She also wrote the Business Management complete course notes – check them out!