Ranked number 1 in the world for pharmacy and pharmacology (2022 QS World Rankings by Subject), Monash is the place to start your journey towards becoming an accomplished pharmacist or pharmaceutical scientist.

And if you’re a high achieving student who wants to use your talents to make the world a better place with your expertise in health and medicines, we have two special Scholars programs you may want to consider.

Both our Pharmacy Scholars Program and Pharmaceutical Science Advanced Honours Scholars Program cover the same material as standard program offerings but with a number of additional benefits:

-    An annual Dean’s Scholars networking lunch;

-    Invitations to the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences seminar series (normally reserved for staff and PhD students);

-    Exclusive guest lectures and workshops throughout the year;

-    A $6,000 annual scholarship (domestic students only). 


The Pharmaceutical Science Scholars Program

The Pharmaceutical Science Scholars Program is a stream of the four-year Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Advanced Honours degree.

Pharmaceutical Science is distinguished from other science degrees by its tight focus: it’s all about equipping you with the skills to design and develop new medicines.

That means you get a lot of time in the lab, working with exactly the same machines you’d use if you were doing biomedical research at a pharmaceutical company or in a research institute.

You’ll study units from three broad areas:

-     Drug Discovery Biology, which focuses on the biomedical science and pharmacology of drug discovery;

-     Medicinal Chemistry, which explores the development of potential pharmaceutical compounds from conception to their clinical use; or

-     Formulation Science, which enables you to understand how medicines are absorbed and travel around the body to their site of action.

Depending on your interests, the third year of the degree includes the option of an extended placement in research or industry. If you choose the research option, it will be hosted in one of Monash Parkville’s world-class pharmaceutical research groups. The completion of the Pharmaceutical Science Scholars Program also allows students to pathway into a PhD. 

The 2022 indicative ATAR is 98.15.


The Pharmacy Scholars Program

The Pharmacy Scholars Program is a stream of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours)/Master of Pharmacy, Australia’s first and only integrated Bachelor and Master of Pharmacy.

It means Monash graduates will not only be particularly skilled practitioners, but also graduate with a qualification higher than that of their graduating peers around the country.

From day one of the program, we go beyond ensuring you have a thorough grasp of the underlying scientific disciplines that will build your therapeutic knowledge. Uniquely, we also focus on teaching you key skills that are relevant to the profession, such as oral and written communication, empathy, reflection and team work. We also encourage you to take on a ‘professional identity’ early in the course, viewing yourself as a future healthcare professional holding valuable knowledge. Together, our methods of teaching provide you with the confidence to develop as a well-rounded, impactful pharmacist.

The course is also highly experiential. You’ll undertake work placements in hospitals, communities and other environments. You’ll have the chance to practice your new skills and applying your therapeutic knowledge whilst learning from some of Australia’s best practitioners in areas such as primary health care, medicines information, and patient-focused pharmacy services.

The 2022 indicative ATAR is 98.05. 


To learn more about our programs, visit study.monash

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