Entering Year 9 in 2020? Or know somebody who is? They might be eligible for this excellent scholarship opportunity courtesy of The Melbourne Foundation.

About The Melbourne Foundation

The Melbourne Foundation was founded in 2006, and has since made a significant impact on the lives and education of many students through innovative scholarships. The organisation shares many of ATAR Notes’ values, namely education equality and accessibility irrespective of circumstance.

About the scholarships

The Melbourne Foundation offers full scholarships to private schools in Melbourne, typically running between Year 9 and Year 12.

The first ever Melbourne Foundation Scholar was Khuzair Rehan, who held the scholarship from 2007 until 2010. Khuzair attended Melbourne Grammar School – and graduated with an extremely impressive 99.80 ATAR. He went on to study a Bachelor of Engineering and a Bachelor of Commerce at Monash University. You can read more here.

Who’s eligible?

The scholarships are open to students who live in the metropolitan area and are currently attending a public school. They are designed for families who cannot cover the cost of private school education through other means.

How to apply

The first step is filling out a simple form with contact and basic details! It shouldn’t take long at all; you can do that at the link below.


So please…

If you think you’re eligible, make a quick application! Alternatively, if you know somebody you think might be eligible – a sibling, a friend, a neighbour, a schoolmate, anybody! – please pass on the opportunity to them. You never know what impact you could have on somebody’s life simply by letting them know of an exciting new opportunity.