The following excerpts were taken from the HSC Journey Journal board of the ATAR Notes Forums. You can make your own HSC Journey Journal – just click here! Alternatively, you can read dozens of currents students’ journeys.
See Lumenoria’s HSC Journey Journal here.
I’m still considering dropping English Extension, like I love the content but it’s kinda a strain on my other subjects so I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do. As you probably know, I’ve been considering it for awhile and the less than ideal 76 kinda affirmed this decision. I definitely feel like I spend more time on it than a single unit should worth, but I also have a passion for it. I’m mainly just keeping it right now because of the “safety net” phenomenon, I’m highly doubt I’ll do well in Economics in the HSC because of its inherently difficult nature, so having Extension there makes me feel a bit relieved – though not reflective in the aforementioned results, I know I can probably do well because I’m more than happy to invest time in it.
See Caitlynk_22’s HSC Journey Journal here.
So today I had a total of three periods of Art because I had it period 1 and a double study which I chose to do my art. So far all is going well! I’m doing a very tedious piece of my sculpture at the moment and I’m hoping it goes well.
I also had maths today but I kept yawning. The topic we are doing is so boring and so annoying! It’s the physics part of the course and we are almost finished the HSC course. Tomorrow I want to do some revision for the stuff we did today which was quite hard.
See kauac’s HSC Journey Journal here.
I’m back again! First week of school done and dusted… I totally forgot that it was my last first day of school on Monday oops … This year is going to be full of ‘lasts’, so I have to make sure to remember them when they come haha.
As for the holidays, I am actually pretty satisfied with my relax + study balance. I felt like I had a pretty chill time, and I even managed to complete my list of holiday homework (some of it self-appointed), which was good!
See Hannahco’s HSC Journey Journal here.
My name is Hannah and I am currently undertaking potentially my most stressful and exciting year yet, the HSC *queue scary music*. So a bit about me, I am the school vice captain, prefect, part of the chapel leadership team and captain of my sport house and am involved in pretty much everything performing arts related and I play in every sports team we have. I’m kind of excited but really nervous as my school is insanely competitive and I’m scared I’m just going to fall behind or apart before the HSC even happens. I think I’m doing pretty well so far but I can definitley improve. I’m not sure where I’m ranked either – I’m also so confused and scared about the whole ranking system cause I feel as though I could never be number 1.
See StudyBuddyKJ’s HSC Journey Journal here.
Hi everyone!
Well I am currently in year 12, for around a week so far. It’s only been the second week and I am exhausted and a little bit let down by my results from the Term 4 assessments. I want to study dual commerce at either the University of New South Wales or the University of Sydney. My ATAR goals are relatively ambitious cause that is just the kind of person I am. Although I need 98+ ATAR for my degree, I want to achieve an ATAR above 99 and be an All Rounder in all my subjects.