Introducing…Patrick Staveley, a 2015 HSC graduate with a passion for sports Journalism.
1. What degree/course are you studying?
I’m studying the Diploma of Journalism. My course began in February 2016 and I am a full time student.
2. What University/Institution are you studying at and why did you choose them?
I’m currently studying at Macleay College in Surry Hills. I chose them because they’re a private institution. Instead of learning my preferred field in a large university, I have small classes at Macleay where I can build valuable relationships with my lecturers making it easier to receive help with assessments and exam preparation. It’s also much easier to make new friends too
3. How many years will you study for?
4. What has been your favourite part of the course so far?
Making a new group of friends and working in the Macleay Newsroom. The Macleay Newsroom is a special privilege Macleay has for journalism students that no other university in Sydney has. There are a variety of teams such as features, news and sport for students to frequently write articles to be published on the Macleay Newsroom website. It offers all students a chance to improve their writing skills
5. What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced?
Shorthand class, it’s like learning a new language except harder. It requires daily study even just for 20 minutes. It’s taught at a fast pace and you have to pay constant attention. You learn so many different terms every lecture so you have to keep up.
6. Was the course everything you expected it to be? Were there any surprises?
No real surprises about the course except the stars they can attract as guest speakers e.g Ten News presenter, Hugh Riminton and Channel Seven sports journalist, Josh Massoud.
7. What is the most interesting thing you’ve covered/learnt so far?
I had an assessment task where I wrote about a story I discovered. I managed to speak to a star player of a local soccer club who has previously played at a higher level and got my highest mark for it.
8. Do you have a clear career path or job position in mind? Do you think your degree will equip you with the skills and knowledge to pursue this?
I want to keep print alive and start by writing in the sports section at a paper like The Daily Telegraph for example. Of course I do, I would have left in the first trimester if I thought it wouldn’t be helpful.
9. Have you or will you complete any work experience? Does your institution encourage this?
I haven’t yet completed any work experience but I will be working with the internships coordinator to organise an internship with a journalistic role soon as it is a requirement for our course. Our coordinator is very encouraging and provides contacts and numerous opportunities for us students to apply for in order to get a foot in the door and experience the environment of a journalist in one way or another.
10. Describe a “day in the life of a Macleay College Journalism student.”
Wednesdays I have to be at Macleay by 8:30 while on Thursday and Friday I’m there from 9. On Friday for example, I catch the bus to the station and catch the 7:34 train or 7:04 train if I want to get there early to do some homework or an article for the Macleay Newsroom. I normally get there around 8:45-8:50 but If early then around 8:20. At 9 I make my way up to the newsroom and see if my editor wants any sports stories written. If so, I spend 90 minutes on an article before sending it through and heading off to my 10:30 shorthand lecture. If I’m not required to write an article then I may hang with some friends or study. After my shorthand class finishes at 12, I have a two-hour break before my next class so I may want to go out for lunch and come back for some ping pong if I have no assignments and I have done my homework. I have Feature Writing from 2-3:30 before I head home or might want to go out for a drink or two with friends from the College afterwards.
If you’re interested in having a look at Patrick’s Journalism work at the Macleay Newsroom, click here to see his progress as a sports Journalist!
Looking to improve your English skills to reach Pat’s level? Check out our English forums where you can get creative pieces marked, essay feedback, and a FREE question and answer service!
Life after HSC may seem distant, but we want to remind you it is excitingly close.
A lot of HSC students are feeling the burn from June onward (kidding – you’ve been getting seared all year) and it is so important to see that the end is in sight: you’re almost there! For this reason, we’ve asked a bunch of awesome 2014 and 2015 graduates to tell us a little bit about their courses, work or travels after the HSC, to help you make some difficult decisions and to hopefully make you a tiny bit excited.
Uni Notes: unleash your university success!