In our “Life After HSC” series, we bring to you Jemma Cavallaro. Jemma is a power woman who has spoken at ATAR Notes’ Study Skills event at the International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) in 2016. She shares with us her Bachelor experience at the College.

1. What degree/course are you studying? How long have you been studying? 

My name is Jemma Cavallaro, and I am currently a third year student studying a Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Retail Marketing. I have now transitioned to studying part time as this year I have been balancing a part time job on the side.

2. What Institution are you studying at and why did you choose them?

I attend the International College Management Sydney (ICMS) located in Manly. ICMS stood out to me as it has a solid business management foundation and emphasises professional presentation through the requirement of wearing business attire to class every day. This cultural aspect trains students to become professional business leaders from day one, in knowing how to dress and behave when attending job interviews and other formal business settings.

3. How many years will you study for?

I am currently in my third year, and I expected myself to graduate at the end of this year. Though, due to unforeseen circumstances and taking on a part time load, I will now finish early next year as my course has been stretched out.

4. What has been your favourite part of the course so far?

The highlight of my course has honestly been the course content itself! I am so extremely passionate and driven by my ‘Retail Marketing’ major, as I have an acute interest in the industry and all of the different aspects and career opportunities within the Retail Marketing landscape. Another great opportunity offered within my course, was to take part in a trip to New York as a Retail Marketing student, alongside a great group of girls who were mostly studying Events Management. The trip is both a study tour and a tourism elective, which can be taken by any student and integrated into their degree! The trip offers New York Fashion Week event volunteer experience, visits to New York’s most iconic locations and 5-star hotels, aswell as loads of other once in a life time opportunities. In addition to this, throughout my course I have also been heavily involved in the ICMS student life and have represented the college as a Student Ambassador in a vast range of events events such as Open Day, student info days and HSC career expos.

ICMSPictured: Jemma Cavallaro at an ICMS stall

5. What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced?

In 2015, I experienced a family tragedy during one of my terms at ICMS. After this occurred I found it extremely difficult to attend College and concentrate in class, so I made the decision to defer the rest of the term to get back on my feet and in the right headspace for the following term. I can honestly say ICMS were so incredibly understanding, compassionate and accommodating to my needs at this time. The college offered me an immense amount of assistance, study flexibility and wellness support which also truly expressed the college’s true character and genuine care for their students wellbeing.

6. Was the course everything you expected it to be? Were there any surprises?

The course was everything I dreamt it would be and more! The Bachelor Degree is comprised of core Business Management subjects such as HR, Economics and Marketing, and the Retail Marketing major is composed of niche elective subjects, to focus more on the industry, which is an ideal balance for me. In regards to the ICMS dress standards I always knew the college had a strong emphasis on their business culture and professional attire, though I was surprised to see how many students really embraced these expectations and went all out with their business attire wardrobes! This showed me the true sense of style, individuality and ambition that lies within each ICMS student.

7. What is the most interesting thing you’ve covered/learnt so far?

I have gained so much interesting and insightful knowledge at ICMS, it’s so hard to narrow it down! One of my most intriguing subjects was my retail elective ‘Visual Merchandising & Design’ which really dove deep into the visual design elements applied through physical retail. Another one of my absolute favourites was ‘Consumer Behaviour’ which engrained fundamental elements of consumer psychology into my mind, which I can’t help to think of when I’m playing the customer in any retail environment.

8. Do you have a clear career path or job position in mind? Do you think your degree will equip you with the skills and knowledge to pursue this?

My degree has definitely led me in the right career direction, at this point in time I envision myself to become a Senior Marketing Manager or Specialist within the Digital Marketing or E-commerce fields. I would ideally love to manage projects and brands, and lead and motivate a team of people who share my passion and enthusiasm, and for a greater purpose. I truly believe ICMS has given me all of the right tools, fundamental knowledge and inspiration to pursue the career of my choice and succeed at it.

9. Have you or will you complete any work experience? Does your institution encourage this? Describe your experience briefly if any.

ICMS promotes job ready graduates and definitely encourages work experience which is a subject requirement, better known as ‘Industry Training’. It is a compulsory requirement for each student at the college to complete approximately nine months of an Industry placement in order to graduate. At ICMS we have an Industry Training Team who are there to mentor and support each student through every step of the way, and will guide you through interviewing techniques, resume creation, professional etiquette and the official job search. On top of this ICMS has a range of established Industry connections who are suitable for different degree majors’, some of which include ANZ, The Hilton Sydney, Hostplus, Michael Hill, Northern Beaches Council, cievents and Disney. The majority of Industry placements are paid, and some stem from scholarships such as the 3 month paid Internship that the ‘ANZ Scholarship’ awards.

10. Please provide a quick “day in the life of an ICMS student.”

A day in the life of an ICMS student being myself, typically involves waking up with amazing enthusiasm to go to college and attend subjects that I absolutely love studying. I commute into college via car which takes approximately 35 minutes, as I am an off campus student. I ideally like to arrive at least 20-30 minutes before class on an average day, though if I’m in a really motivated mood and have a lot to prepare e.g. updating notes, revision or assessment prep then I will arrive at college at least an hour before. I also love arriving at college having already parked and in a stress free state, so I can organise myself and get in the right mind frame for the class I’m attending that morning.

My class preparation usually involves having all of my notes from previous weeks up to date, revising these notes and having them fresh in my mind so I am ready to participate in class review sessions. Other preparations for exams and assessments may involve reading my notes aloud, or discussing and sharing with a class mate. I may also get myself in presentation mode for something like a group assessment by rehearsing my speaking part as though I was in front of my actual class audience and trying to sell a pitch, so I’d present as though I was actually being assessed by my lecturers.

At ICMS lectures are carried out a little bit differently from typical university structures. At the college, lecture and tutorial sizes are much smaller which creates a more personalised experience for all students as lecturers get to know you one on one. The smaller class size also encourages more in class discussions and provides the opportunity for all students to participate, get involved and have a voice if they express a particular passion or view about the industry topic. I find the learning experience to be highly effective and interactive as all students are encouraged to further engage by lecturers and have their say, in order to expand their knowledge base and broaden their perspectives.


You can see a little more about Jemma’s experience on her LinkedIn account.

If you’re curious about the campus, it looks like this…


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