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How to get a 35 plus for HHD
« on: December 14, 2019, 01:05:02 am »

So this year I got a 35+ study score for HHD, which i am utterly surprised and proud of. HHD ended up being one of my highest scoring subjects this year actually. I went to a low performing school where SS's for HHD were only usually around 25-30 so the score I received definitely left me stoked and mindblown.

Even though HHD seems easy to many and is often seen as a "bludge" subject, it is CLEARLY not and many students lose marks because of silly mistakes and giving incomplete answers even though the content is pretty straightforward. Here are some tips I am willing to share for those who want to achieve a high 35 plus for health and if you follow and implement into your own study next year (if you do HHD 3/4), then it is not impossible to get a high study score
a)  Write notes based of the study design-I suggest to always stick to the study design as much as possible and do not waste time writing notes on stuff that is not on the study design as your only gonna get asked what it specificially outlined in the SD,
b) Create flashcards and memorise them every week-I suggest creating flashcards for definitions (i.e. health status indicators, prerequisities for health and other concepts from aos1, aos2, etc). OF course its important to write fully written detailed notes but personally I made flaschcards for small/easy to grasp concepts in health as notes, while for more harder/complex concepts, I used to write notes in my notebook (but its completely up to you). And theres no point in just writing fancy and coloured flashcards without actually using, reading and revising them frequently (usually I used to revise my HHD flashcards every week like on fridays after school as a form of light revision so by the time exam came they were pretty much engrained in my head and i didnt even had to memorise them anymore that much)
c) Practice 8/10 markers throughout the year- I cannot stress enough but HHD exams are honestly getting more harder because vcaa are including those big as 10 mark questions. to do well, i suggest compiling lots of 10 mark questions (whether its from vcaa website, i.e. from 2018/2019 and sample exam), checkpoints and other sources. I personally bought and used the ATAR notes book coz it had heaps of those 10 marks and I just attempted a few of those throughout the year (and of course lots before the exams). Of course the first couple of 10 markers I did were pretty bad and crap but after i practiced and kinda got hang of structure and all that and got feedback from my teacher, i started to feel more and more comfortable with them and by the time exam came, I felt adequately or at least somewhat prepared.
d) Like practice 10markers, I cannot stress enough how Practice questions/exams IN GENERAl important are-As you may know, vcaa is moving away from simple generic/definition based questions (except for some here and there) and more towards scenario based and application style questions, so you wont get a 40 or a 50 by just putting down a rote learned answer for everything. You need to be able to APPLY your knowledge to a specific scenario/case given by VCAA. This may sound very hard but its actually not you just have to be as specific as you can to the question and if the question includes a person's name, then INCLUDE their name at all costs-or you will risk losing marks. i.e. if a question asks why would Katy want to take out Private Health insurance (2 marks), first you would obviously identify an incentive for example Lifetime Health Cover and then to link to the scenario and get full marks u would write: Katy would want to take out Private Health insurnace due to the lifetime health cover. this means if katy takes out PHI before the age of 30, she wont have to pay an extra 2% on her premiums every year she is aged above 30, hence this may encourage/incentivise her to take out PHI bla bla bla. Lesson here is to ALWAYS LINK TO THE DAMN SCENARIO/NAME.
d) UNDERstand that teacher is your best friend-use your teachers to the maximum. I used to ask my teacher for practice sacs/exams (before exam/sacs of course) and she used to happily correct them for me and then i would work on her feedback. I also owe my study score to her cause she gave me high sacs scores even when my handwriitng was shitty af so a Big shoutout to my hhd teacher (if your reading this haha)
e) BUY THE GODDAM ATAR notes practice sac/exam questions book and NOTES-Omg i cant tell how much these books have helped and guided me, these were legit my bible/lifesaver in year 12 cause the notes they gave very clear yet very comprehensive and clarified hard concepts in a short and concise way (specially for unit 4). Of course i made my own notes but i always had the ATAR notes book open  beside me when writing my own notes cause they provided everything i needed to write down/needed to know instead of mindlessly copying unencessary info and stuff from the textbook-nothing more and nothing less. And not to forget the ATAR notes questions books, which was legit my bible cause they providied a heap ton of questions and i did them before sacs/exam during my spares. I also used the vcaa website (almost every week) for questions, so after i completed every 2 dot points from an outcome, i looked for questions from vcaa website relating to these two dot points and started doing prac questiosn for them straightaway.
e) From this, i would like to say start writing your notes earlier/from holidays actually-I started and finished my unit 3 notes during the holidays so when school started and everybody only started outcome 1, i was already doing questions and getting notes for unit 4 started. SO dont wait for your class and get your notes done and dusted during the holidays (but only if you want to lol), of course i wasnt a study freak and didnt study 24/7 during holidays but its actually possible to get notes done and still enjoy your holidays before year 12.
f) WORK SMART NOT HARD-dont just memorise definition flashcards and do questions on concepts u r really good at (just because to feel good about yourself), its important to identify and work on your weaknesses as soon as possible so they become ur strengths by the time exam comes. I personally started doing sac/exam questions for health (as well as for other subjects) from the first day and then gradually moving to a lot of questions (during june and then to october, etc) so u have as much EXPOSURE to many questions as you can
e) Enjoy it, i personally loved health because many of the concepts (i.e. h+w, human development, etc) are so relevant and important in our own lives, so passion and interest for these things can really bring a boost to your study score as it will motivate you to put effort in and actually work hard
d) Remember to include key phrases/words in your answers and read question properly for what it is asking-i.e. if a question says how will poverty affect kenyá's human development, u need to use the words from the definition of Human devel into your answer at the end (i.e. develop to their full potential, expand their choices, etc), for example, if individuals in kenya live free from poverty, they are likely to have the money/financial resources to afford basic necessities such as food, they are more likely to lead a productive and creative in accordance with their needs and interests bla bla bla, so include key terminology where possible so you dont give those examiners to take marks off you

SO to wrap it up this is my key advice for HHD. i hope you find it useful. If you are anyone of those loooking to do HHD next year, i guarantee that u will enjoy it and u will reap the fruits of a high score if you learn and apply those little tips/tricks into your study. If you are those who havent done unit 1/2 hhd and want to eo /3/4 then i say GO FOR IT cause HHD is a very fun and interesting subject. I would like to end by saying is to not underestimate the difficulty of getting a 35 plus, like a 40 or 50 in hhd and to always give your 100% for any subject you decide to choose next year not only health