WACE Stuff > Western Australian Education Discussion

I just dropped spec and I kind of regret it.


So basically I just started year 11 and after 6 weeks i realised spec wasnt for me as I was struggling quite a lot and didnt enjoy it at all. I dropped it and picked up economics a subject i enjoyed studying last year. I already kind of regret it as everyone is telling me that spec gets better as you go on. I am hoping for a 99 atar for access to direct pathway of medicine as psychiatry is my dream job. Should I be stressing so much, have I mae a big mistake?


--- Quote ---as everyone is telling me that spec gets better as you go on
--- End quote ---
"Everyone" is not you. Your decision should be an individual one based on consultation with people who know you well and those who are qualified to provide such advice (e.g. teachers, careers counsellors). Stuff "everyone" else and what they think. You obviously dropped it for a reason - don't let heresay change your mind.

The number one objective in year 12 is to pick subjects you enjoy or are interested in. If you like eco, chances are you'll do better in it and succeed. I'd even argue prerequisites for a uni course are secondary to interest/enjoyment areas (I know they're important but i've seen the toll this has on mental health and obviously you have to get through year 12 first before you even consider other things).

--- Quote ---Should I be stressing so much
--- End quote ---
No. As long as you're happy with the decision you made (not taking into account influencing opinion/outside noise).

Depending on your other subjects you can still obtain a 99 without spec.

It really is as simple as that.


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