ATAR Notes Initiatives > ATAR Calculator

Updated VCE Study Score Calcuator


Numbers Higher than 100 will not work (100 = 100%).

Ok, So I decided to update MaddieCarrot's VCE Study Score Calculator, as it was only accurate to 2013. I have also based it on percentages, not physical numbers, as a lot of schools only give that.

Link to MaddieCarrot's post: VCE Study Score Calculator (automated)

Put the percentage of each Unit + Exam into the box and click "Calculate" and it will give you the answer. Written in VB.NET, it is simple and effective. Aside from scaling, which I can't do as the VCAA don't release information on how exactly they are scaled, it is quite accurate.
The application is very simple to use although currently only services English, Mathematical Methods & Business Management, I will be adding more in order of what people request!

To use the application:
1. Select Your Subject
2. Enter ALL Marks (Percentages)
3. Hit Calculate


Please Ignore Warning! Windows thinks it is a virus, it most definitely is not! This will only happen the first time

Let me know what subjects you want to see added next!


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